Well, I’ve made a couple of formatting changes since upgrading to MT3.
I’ve added a “subscription service” to the website. So, if you’d like to be emailed whenever I update the site, just subscribe, and you’ll be receive an email as soon as a new post has been added to the site.
I’ve also added some licensing to the site. According to the licensing, you may use what I write, but you can’t change it, and you can’t make any money off of it. But you do have to credit me for it. I don’t know if there’ll ever be anything that someone would want to use from my site. But this way, I won’t need to worry about it.
I still have a couple of other ideas for the site, but will certainly take my time in implementing.
I’m still looking to tweak the site formatting, but couldn’t figure some of it out. For example, how can I get rid of the double-spacing in the “Archives” section? I know it’s a style-sheet setting, but none of the changes that I made resulted in single-spaced months. The “Links” section is single-spaced, but those links are manually added, where MT generates the month archives. Any help?