Hah… a theme post… how clever can I be?
The renovation at work is nearly done. We started moving back in on Friday, and will start serving meals again on Wednesday. The past few weeks have just been the anticipation of getting back into the kitchen. The staff got most of the “stuff” put away on Friday, but there’s still some heavy stuff that has to be moved back into the basement. The worst part of it (at least for me) is putting the office back together. At this point, we’re waiting for 2 more file cabinets to be delivered (should happen on Monday), waiting for a phone line to work properly, and waiting for our internet connection to get up and running again. Oh yeah, we have to put tons of stuff back into those file cabinets. It sucks that the file cabinets I bought (as well as the 2 being delivered on Monday) are too long, about 3 – 4 inches longer than the desk. I’m going to see if they’ll do an even swap, but doubt it for the mere fact that those that were delivered were delivered for free. I doubt that they’ll do free return and free re-delivery.
Once we’re all moved in at work, it’ll be time to get moving work wise! These next 3 – 4 weeks will be as busy as any time of the year. But, to make it more challenging, we’ll have to do it with an inexperienced manager. Since Angela moved, I got Jessica. Jessica just simply hasn’t had the opportunity to take on the responsibilities that she’ll soon be having. That means on top of being busy, we’ll have to be training and coaching her. Nothing like being thrown right into the fire, huh? So, we’ll be moving along pretty quickly for at least a few weeks.
Jeremy turned 2 years old last Wednesday. That boy sure is growing! Last time I saw him (just a couple of weeks ago), he’d shown even more bits of brilliance! He learns something new everytime I’m down there. I’m still called “Uncle” (which is pronounced more like “un-coo”), as he hasn’t even tried to say “Brian” yet. He’s moving on along, too!
I was “proposed” with an interesting option at work during the summer. They’ve asked me if I’d be interested in moving to another city. It’d be part of our company growth, and would certainly help to foster more of my professional growth. I can’t divulge to where I’d be moving yet, as it would break some company-client confidentiality issues, but I will say that I am at least curiously interested. If I decide to take them up on the offer, it would take place either at January or some time next summer.
My biggest concern with that moving scenario is my money situation. I’ve only been in my condo for about a year. I’m pretty sure that I haven’t “earned” enough equity in it to break even if I were to sell it. Between appreciation and what little bit gets applied to the principle in the first year of payments, I’m pretty sure that we haven’t reached 6% over what I paid. With my monetary situation as it is, I absolutely cannot afford to lose money on the sale.
So, that would leave me with the option of trying to rent it out. I might be able to do that, but how would that limit my “buying potential” in the “new city”? In other words, could I get a loan for another condo or even a house in a different city, if I have this one here? I doubt it, although I don’t know for sure. I imagine that if my credit weren’t damaged, that this wouldn’t be nearly as much of an issue.
The last option would be not to move. I’m not sure that’s what I want right now. Yes, I like it here. Yes, I love my condo. But, I’m at the point where it’s financially uncomfortable to be living here (I know, I really should get a roommate — but when your “friend” burns you, imagine what a stranger could do!!). The “new city” looks to be an exciting city, with a lower cost of living, and it’s been mentioned that I would not suffer a decrease in pay if I do move there — it’s essentially a raise solely based on the difference in cost of living. Decisions, decisions… all those thoughts moving around in my head.
Last thought… I was “moved” by an email I received from my old friend Angela (the girl I dated back in college, NOT the girl I used work with). She had a bad situation befall her recently, and she sent me a “writing” of hers where she got her feelings about the situation out into the open (or at least out into type). First and most importantly, I was very saddened by the news that she told me.
Back when I used to talk to her very often, she was very “artistic” — she was a songwriter. I knew that she was creative, and you could also get a sense of that by her everyday writing style (email, letters, etc). I hadn’t asked or talked about it, but I kind of just thought that those days had gone by — that she wasn’t writing anymore. I guess I was wrong… girl’s still got it!
I also knew that she kept her writings relatively private. At least she never let ME read anything she wrote. So, this one situation that she wrote about recently was the first real writing that I’d gotten to read. So, on top of it being a heart-wrenching description of what she’s gone through… I mean I could feel what she’s writing (although I cnould never feel what she’s going through)… she asks me what I thought about it.
She wants a critiquing of her writing when I’m heartbroken by what she’s writing about? I don’t know how to do that. Like I said, I could feel the pain in her writing. It’s definitely creative, and comes from an artistic head. I don’t have anything negative to say about it. But it’s sooo personal. Does saying that it’s good demean what she’s writing about? Saying that feels like saying that it’s “fine”, or like saying that someone has a “nice personality”. Do you understand what I’m saying? It’s like I feel that no matter what I say about it, she can come back with “you’re just saying that because of what I wrote about”.
So, Angela, I love ya, I love what you wrote, I’m saddened by the situation, but there is no “real” way to answer what I think about your writing (even though, I honestly think that any writing where you can “feel” what you’re reading has to be good!). Shouldn’t this be one of those “tests” that you give to your husband, not to your buddy?
OK… movin’ on, am I the only person addicted to watching the World Poker Tour stuff?
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