Bo’s surgery went very well today. The doctors removed all of the tumor, and it looks like it’s benign. They won’t know for sure until Friday.
At any rate, Bo was a trooper. Once he got out of the recovery room, he’s been pretty close to his normal self — joking around with the doctors and nurses.
He’s awfully sore right now — his face is somewhat swollen and he has a black eye. The doctors say that he shouldn’t be surprised if he swells more, even to the point where both eyes could swell completely shut. He also says that he’ll probably be more sore (in pain) tomorrow as well. My mom mentioned that when she kissed him on the forehead, that he remarked that it hurt.
He’s also very tired. The unfortunate part of this, is that the nurses have to wake him up and check on him about every 2 hours all night long tonight.
But, in good news, he’s had an IV removed, as he’s eaten a meal (albeit a liquid meal). They’re going to wake him up tomorrow morning at 6 am and see if they can get him moving around and to try to use the bathroom. If all of that goes well, he’ll probably have his decatheter removed and be moved out of the ICU into a regular room. But the best news of all, is that if all goes well, that he might be able to go home on Thursday!
That is simply AMAZING to me!!! Having Brain Surgery on Tuesday, and going home on Thursday!!! Simply amazing!!!
At any rate, it’s definitely good news on all fronts! The surgery went well, and the recovery is well on its way. No one could ask for anything more! And I know that everyone’s prayers, Bo’s good spirits, and lots of love, made all of this happen!
Needless to say, I’m really ready to see him while I’m in town on Thursday. Depending on how my day goes tomorrow, I might make it to the ‘burg in time to see him then, too. But, if all continues as it’s been going, I might just be able to see him in his own home on Thursday! That’s got to be great!