I missed this…

I wasn’t aware that the Robinson brothers (Chris and Rich, from the Black Crowes) were going to be on Letterman on Friday night. A co-worker, Mike, let me know about it after the fact, and I have since found it on YouTube. Check it out!

Get Well!

My grandmother is having a quadruple-bypass surgery today. My thoughts and prayers are with her… Any additional thoughts and prayers will surely be appreciated!

Going out?

Even though my work’s not done… I guess I’ll have to continue tomorrow… I need to get ready to go out… I might have plans… It’s been an interesting weekend!!! Maybe more details to follow!


Well, I got some of the new, cool things about MT4 to work on my website… This is a little test post to make sure that the right things work… like accepting comments… I still can’t get the sidebar to work right, though… I hope to figure...